Monday, December 13, 2010

Time Management for College Students

Fess Up!  Ideal Time Management Habits for College Students 

time management for college students
Here are some more time management tips for the college student:

1.  Just like any other large projects, large homework or assignments should be broken down into manageable size. Instead of only, you will have smaller ones, but to be finished at different schedules in manageable intervals.

2.  Even if you are on campus, during intervals between classes, and precious few hours of break time, devour your lecture notes and books. Studying on campus is certainly a good habit to develop, especially since you are left with little time to study once you are in your job or attending to your kids/other commitments.

3.  Reward yourself for coming up with efficient and effective time management methods as you mature in college

4.  Sleep is important for everyone. Do not deprive yourself from a well deserved sleep. Do not think that you waste precious time sleeping. You are wasting precious time when you still stick to work even when it is your bedtime.

5.  Once you feel pressure and stress closing in around you, sought the advice, administrators, or faculty you trust. A word of advice or a refreshing thought can be just the thing to lift back your spirits

Busy persons must always take time to properly schedule their time in order to maximize each precious minute as best as possible. College students must also know how to effectively schedule their time. 

Working out an applicable schedule is quite a challenge. Just make sure that you do not have conflicting activities everyday. Take note of each important date or hour for everything you do. 

Do not worry of having little time for yourself, as of now. Once you have completed your assignments and study, you will soon have more time to for other responsibilities and tasks you would like to take on. Figure out a way to squeeze into your busy schedule precious few hours or minutes for your family, friends, and your self.  

Make sure to juggle well all your tasks in a fine equation and do not over-commit yourself.

Amidst your busy life as a college student, it is most rewarding to know that you managed your time well and keep on reorganizing for a more successful time management as you achieve your goals, one by one.


Anonymous said...

Time is money for students. They are not only working harder but also working smarter and for longer hours to achieve their goals. Generally time recording apps allow us to plan, schedule, assign and track tasks all from one user-friendly web interface. It helps to manage and complete all their academic tasks at proper time.

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